The French Federation of Super Mario Kart (FFSMK) is a non-profit-making French Organisation (1901 Law) created in 2006. Its purpose is to promote sharing and meetings between people whose leisure activity is the video game Super Mario Kart (© Nintendo 1992), particularly by organising yearly events allowing people to play against each other.
The subscription fees in its entirety will be used for the organisation of the yearly event (venue rental, food, medals and trophies, etc.). The prizes will be donated by sponsors. No profit will be made from the subscription fees.
Prior to FFSMK, the website and the event were handled from 2002 to 2006 by AFJSMK ("Association Française des Joueurs de Super Mario Kart" - French for "French Organisation of Super Mario Kart Players"). The organisation was then dissolved and replaced by FFSMK in 2006.
(FFSMK Organisation declared on May 17th 2006 at Haute-Savoie's Prefecture in France)
For more information with the aim of doing an article, please see the following press kit.