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Messages - bl44t

Pages: [1] 2
Règlement / Rule changes for 2024
« le: 03 juin 2024, à 23:57:59 »
1: Round Robin
2: I dont generally play these but I would say 6 if logistically feasible
3: Option 2 - in case of noise interfering with a zoomstart, the player should complete their attempt, then signal a staff member without looking at any other player's results. The staff member then decides whether the player is granted a retry or not. If not, the player keeps the time set in their attempt.
but only in the KO stage.
4: Yes

Quelle surprise, no one has a clue of what they've done wrong.
Maybe instead of writing disolusional posts on what a shock this is, do some self reflection.

No need to chose now.

Règlement / Rule changes for 2020
« le: 02 janvier 2020, à 23:14:02 »
I can live with 1 2 and 3.
Removing TT sounds ridiculous to me.
For me also 2 and 3 are preffered over the rest and of those 2 I would go for the lengthened version since more points would merit more racing as well with less randomness involved.

Have you done any thinking on how much longer it will take in that scenario and what time we would need to start then, considering logistical challenges?

Règlement / Réforme du Time Trial
« le: 18 septembre 2019, à 18:43:05 »
It's not fighting, it's racing. More like Tour de France also has time attack stages (that are counted as equal).

Anyway, no matter how solid our arguments are we're obviously not going to convince all the doubters; but I wouldn't be arguing for this so fervently (again, after not pushing the idea for many years) if I didn't have the feeling that this TT inequality is now annoying/surprising more and more people within the current CDM community. So eventually we'll have to find out if this is the majority and then deal with the result accordingly.
Contre la montre. ;)
They even have time trial world championships and olympics.
And every grand tour has at least 1 usually 2 or 3 time trial days. ;)
And the peleton is not 2 people racing each other but 170. :o

Anyway, as Karel said, to each their opinion, thats obviously fine.
Not that if I didnt think it was fine that would matter any. :D

Règlement / Réforme du Time Trial
« le: 12 septembre 2019, à 22:51:31 »
Question though, do you think we should modify the CDM format to correspond to the wishes of just one player that plays the highest nr of matches? If more players feel this way, then fair enough. Personally, I'd be fine with playing more, but then I don't make every (or any...) top-4.  :P Let's see what the other regular top-4 guys say: Sami, Neo?

100% agree with Scoub on this specific point. If I didn't deeply love this game and this championship, I'd also have retired from CDMs (and pretty much everything SMK-related then, as my activity throughout the year is close to zero nowadays) for years now. :-[
I think you can't understand this feeling if you're not in the shoes of the guy(s) who had to play all the matches all day and all night long during numerous years (13 fucking consecutive years, AFAIC).

That being said, I completely understand the need to play more for the other players, especially the rookies (that's probably the way I felt during my first championships, I couldn't get enough of that shit ;D), so maybe it's time to find something that could allow top players to play a little less ? To me the group stage is too long and has a few useless matches that could be skipped to gain time. But that's just me. I'd rather play less but longer matches against players with equal level than more short matches against players of different levels. It would also make draws more accurate for knock-out stage. Basically during the whole group stage, I'm just thinking "Ok, let's play another 14 matches just to get a top 4 or top 6 in quite a random order".
I don't know, maybe it's time to modify deeply the system ? Why not trying the double elimination system ? That's probably another discussion to have.

About the coefficients, I have to admit that I don't quite know which side to choose...
First of all, I think we have to keep a TT event at CDM: yes, the TT site exists for TT competition throughout the year, but the players' site ranking doesn't necessarily reflect the actual shape/form of the players during a specific CDM (not sure my english is clear enough here: for example, you can be and remain #7 on the TT site, and yet have trained a lot during a specific year and win gold at CDM).

I don't want the TT event to be longer than it is (mostly for reasons explained on top of this message), and that's what make me sceptical about the TT coefficient being equal to the others modes. You make one small mistake, or get all thwomps down at BC3 ? Ok, tournament done for you, sorry about the xxx points you just lost (compared to your direct opponents) for messing up one corner alone. :P :-X
I probably wouldn't mind TT coef being equal to the others if TT was played longer, but:
1) that's not what I wish because CDM is always really long
2) I don't think it would make TT more appealing (but let's just hope someone finds a way to play it a little longer and still be fun and enjoyable)

I understand the logic "TT is a mode of SMK, then it should have the same coef", but I do not think it is something that must be accepted as absolute truth in this case. I think the CDM (and the way points are earned) is just made like we wish to define it. After all, we also defined to give 1000 points for perfect group stage and 2000 points for the winner of a mode: why not 1500 and 1500 ? Why not 500 and 4000 ? We just defined the rules (and changed them on  few occasions) over the years as we thought it was good and balanced for our purposes. There is no absolute truth in this case, we just need to decide if TT has to be as important as the other modes in a CDM competition (taking into account as it is now, or as it could become if we change the way it's played).
Most of this makes sense to me.
I can imagine it are very longs days for certain players.
But I see no reason why that cant be changed somewhat, si that can be fixed.
We could easily take about an hour of the three multiplayer modes to give the top players some more rest and add 1 or 2 hours of tt.

But the last part I dont understand.
You say the amount of points given has randomness, sure, but thats within modes, not between the modes.
The total points that can be earned in all 3 multiplayer modes is the same or near the same isnt it?
Except for TT, for which the only reason that makes some sense is that it lasts shorter.
But it seems to me that can be dealt with.
Also randomness that could be argued as a reason, is something that can be fixed.

TT is 1-player mode only -> coef 1.
MR, BM and GP are 2-players modes -> coef 2.

And even if TT is a mode of SMK, he's not adapted to have its own entire day. If it has a lower coef, it's because it lasts twice smaller than other modes. And to be honest, even if I was a big fan of TT, I'm not sure we'll be able to find a way to make TT attractive for everyone, if he lasts 10 hours.
I dont understand the logic of the first part of your message.
According to that logic, the importance (and thus the money awarded) at Rolland Garros for the doubles tournament matches should be twice that of the singles tournament, because double the amount of players.

Règlement / Réforme du Time Trial
« le: 07 septembre 2019, à 00:42:30 »
But most of all, let's not kid ourselves, without tt in smk the game would have been dead already.
It is THE reason for the vast majority to keep playing (this intensely anyay).

I don't 100% agree on this, sorry. I think it's a bit like that good old "coming for the game, staying for the people" : without Time Trial, this community would certainly not exist (and so, CDM would not exist, of course). But I think what made the competition keep on living is the multiplayer part of it.

This said, I've always advocated for TT as an equally represented mode, even when I was president of FFSMK, but knew the biggest part of the community (which turned out to be French, back in those years ;D) was strongly against it. I'm entirely OK if we finally manage to have all modes equal even if TT is a 1-player mode – after all, it's not as if that mode was full of surprises every year, eh? Since the beginning of TT at SMK championships, there have been only 8 regular medalists (including Franck's two "surprise" medals in the two first years) in 16 editions, Chris Wild being the only one able to get bronze once. The 7 others have all been part of Sami's site top 4 at some moment in the last 15 years. This means TT is not an unbalanced mode that could lead to major surprises and big unexpected points from underdogs.

So yeah, equal coefficient for all, let's roll baby!
You rate my opinions so highly that you feel the need to apologise for not 100% agreeing? :o
Anyway, its fine disagreeing, but I wanted to stress the importance off tt and the dsicrepancy between importance of tt in general versus its importance at CDM.

I also wanted to bring in another idea.
If we prolong the cay, I feel we need to give people outside the top 16 to play more as well.
Right now its half an hour for all players not qualified for top 16 and only making the format of the top 16 longer seems like a bad idea to me.

Règlement / Réforme du Time Trial
« le: 04 septembre 2019, à 22:43:42 »
I'm heavily pro equal coefficient for all modes.
I dont understand why it hasnt been the case so far to be quite honest.
SMK has 4 modes and of these 4 tt is the most played by people at home.
It is also the main if not the only metric people use to track their skills.

If the argument is that tt day lasts less long, that can be changed, but even if we dont change the length of tt day, the importance of a mode is not defined by a random choice of how long that segment of the tournament lasts.
I would say the importance should be defined by how much preperation goes in it, which as I said is the most for tt.
If the way we tackle tt should be changed can be debated upon of course, for instance to make the element of surprise a bit smaller.
Having said that, I think tt this year with lms was very exciting and apart from some minor issues, a big succes.

But most of all, let's not kid ourselves, without tt in smk the game would have been dead already.
It is THE reason for the vast majority to keep playing (this intensely anyay).

CDM 2019 / Qui sera le vainqueur du MR en 2019 ?
« le: 13 mai 2019, à 18:10:01 »
1. Harold
2. Sami
3. Scoub

CDM 2019 / Qui sera le vainqueur du TT en 2019 ?
« le: 13 mai 2019, à 18:09:15 »
1. KVD, its your year buddy!
2. Scoub
3. Sami
4. Lafungo, house of gaming taking over

CDM 2019 / Qui sera le vainqueur du GP en 2019 ?
« le: 13 mai 2019, à 18:07:49 »
1. Scoub
2. Neo
3. Sami

CDM 2019 / Qui sera le vainqueur du BM en 2019 ?
« le: 13 mai 2019, à 18:07:03 »
1. Geo
2. Scoub
3. Duff

CDM 2019 / Qui sera le vainqueur du CDM 2019 ?
« le: 13 mai 2019, à 18:04:43 »
1. Scoub
2. Sami
3. Neo
4. KVD

« le: 18 février 2019, à 21:46:57 »
Martin gave me a bike to use last year. I'm a competent cyclist, but man was it terrifying cycling from his to the venue. I think it was mostly to do with the cycle lanes being like a road system in itself, but everyone cycling on the right instead of doing it correctly and being on the left.

My alarm was eased though when I saw Raph waiting for a bridge to lower. I was also amazed at the built in bike locks every bike in Holland seems to have built in. Why that isn't on every bike outside or Holland I don't know.
Mwehehe yes, we still all travel like knights with a poking stick in our right hand.
Did you also notice the quality of our bike lanes being better than your car roads? ;)

« le: 08 février 2019, à 20:33:50 »
CDM attendees: As I heard last year that for some people, the travel to the venue was a bit too long or otherwise inconvenient, I figured it might be a nice idea to rent a bycicle for some people.
I have found that is probably possible here for a decent price, but before I gather more information I would like to first ask here if there is any interest in that and maybe get an indication on how many people would be interested.
Obviously so I can get try to get some type of barter deal if possible.

You might have noticed it is all flat over here and there are a lot seperate bycicle lanes which makes it quite safe to go around by bike.
My first guess is it might be around or just north of 50 euro's for 5 days and people staying at the same place could possibly share one (assuming they have back seats)

Karel was also going to speak to Thomas(?) if that was the gentleman's name, about arranging the taxis / pickup from van der Valk. Though this could be a good alternate if some players are staying across other parts of the town. Main thing would be if we do have an extreme heatwave (or less likely, rain), so no one gets sunstroke on the way to the venue. Most CDMs we have had near 30c and last summer was very hot for too long.
No need to worry about that Sami,
Alphen tends to be a bit cooler than London and the venue's in France, due to it having more influence from sea winds.
Last years heatwave was only 30+ the last 4 5 days or so and before that it was a very tolerable 25-27.
Also the sun is slightly weaker here than in France due to it being more northern.
And lastly, there is almost always a bit of a breeze which makes cycling generably fairly comfortable, more so than walking even.

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