For the guys that didn't know yet, the Holland meet planned for summer 2008 got cancelled, because MJ and Vince couldn't find a correct venue
(and to be honest it was really hard here, because rent prices are insane
Instead the Next Level Gamer circus will be moved to Norway once more, at exactly the same dates as planned (22-25 July for tournaments, but possibility to stay longer for extra activities of course) and also at exactly the same location of last year.
Of the French guys Florent, Pierre and Geoffrey are already planning to come (but not yet 100% confirmed). There will be tournaments in various games (including SMK, Street Fighter and Mario Tennis) and also a big retro games tournament with simultaneous speedruns in games like Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong Country and also involving games like Tetris & Dr. Mario. The prize for the winner of this retro event will be 100 euros!
For more info you can check this topic on the English MB: to write this in English, but I hope you will be ok to read it. I'm counting on you Harold the pirate and other crazy French guys!